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How to remove virus from usb drive without any antivirus protection software


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How to remove usb virus
Have you faced the problem of how to remove virus from usb? Most people will prefer to format the usb drive as soon as they become aware of the fact there is virus in usb drive. However this is not the best option for usb virus removal. What if you have some important files stored on your usb drive? We need an alternative way to remove virus from usb drive.

The next best option to formatting is to connect the usb drive to your desktop or laptop and get rid of the virus in the usb drive through a simple virus scan. This is clean but there is a catch. You need a desktop/laptop that has anti virus software. While it should not be that difficult, we need to be prepared for all eventuality. And this post will help you to be ready to remove virus from usb when

You have some important file on your usb and hence can not format it and
You do not have a desktop/laptop with anti virus software installed on it
How to remove the virus from usb drive without any tool
You might be expecting some complex method to remove virus from usb drive by now. Trust me it is as simple as it can get.

Go to Start. Click on Run in the menu. Hit enter after typing cmd to  bring up the command prompt.
On the command prompt move to drive of the USB drive.
Now type attrib -r -a -s -h *.* and press enter.
Now just delete the files using the command del filename
That is all. We have been successful in removing the virus from the usb without any tool.

A simpler way to remove virus from usb?
I doubt if you know a simpler way to delete virus from the usb. If you do then please let me know of the same in the comments.

To Prevent Viruses We Recomend you to Download some Anti virus protection software

PCCare247 said...
July 6, 2011 at 3:21 AM  

Nice article. Thanks for sharing this useful blog post.

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