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Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools

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The Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools is a voluntary, peer-based, non-profit association dedicated to educational excellence and improvement through peer evaluation and accreditation. It is one of six regional accrediting organizations for higher educationinstitutions recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation and the United States Department of Education. The Middle States Association is responsible for accrediting educational institutions in New YorkNew JerseyPennsylvaniaDelawareMaryland, the District of ColumbiaPuerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands. The Middle States Association also works with schools in the Near EastFar East,Africa, and Europe, and thus far with one school in Canada, and another in Chile .

The Middle States Association should not be confused with the "Middle States Accrediting Board" (abbreviated MSAB) [1], anunrecognized accreditation agency that some diploma mills cite to legitimize their operations.
The Middle States Association is made up of three accrediting Commissions; the Commission on Elementary Schools, the Commission on Secondary Schools, and the Commission on Higher Education. Additionally, the Committee on Institution-Wide Accreditation serves as a bridging committee for educational institutions with grade levels covered by both the Commission on Elementary Schools and the Commission on Secondary Schools.
source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Middle_States_Association_of_Colleges_and_Schools


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