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thompsons.law.co.uk Our Serious Injury Clients

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Our Serious Injury Clients

• Patrick was seriously injured in an accident at work when a gantry he was working from collapsed.  At first it was thought that he wouldn't survive but he did eventually regain consciousness.  He spent almost 4 years in hospital and in rehab and although he will require life-long care as a result of the brain injury he sustained, he has made some improvements and can now talk and feed himself.  The compensation Thompsons recovered for him paid for a specially adapted bungalow and a care plan for the next 40 years.  To read the full story, visit Patrick's Story.
• Roger Adams works as Head Groundsman at a college and was at work cutting the grass with a tractor mower when it became blocked with cuttings.  While trying to free the jam, the blades cut off his left forearm.  He needed 11 operations and has now been fitted with a prosthetic arm.  Thompsons recovered compensation for him which took into account that he would not be able to carry on working until retirement age as he had planned to and that he would need extra help with some everyday tasks he could no longer manage.  To read the full story, visit Roger's Story.
• Rebecca was only 13 years old when she was hit by a car on her way to the shops.  She suffered severe brain damage and was in intensive care for 7 weeks and then on a ward for 6 months.  She was blind and confined to a wheelchair.  With expert care and sheer determination, Rebecca regained her sight and is now determined to learn to walk again.  Her memory and speech are also improving.  The compensation Thompsons recovered for Rebecca paid for a specially adapted bungalow as well as the ongoing cost of her care and rehabilitation.  To read the full story, visit Rebecca's Story.

• When Robin was 16 years old he was crossing the road when he was hit by a car which was travelling on the wrong side of the road.  He was thrown approximately 10 feet up in the air and suffered a severe brain injury.  He was in a coma in intensive care for 5 days and then spent a further 3 weeks on a ward before being discharged.  Thompsons recovered compensation for Robin which took into account his future care needs and lost earnings.  To read the full story, visit Robin's Story.
• Rebecca was born with a small dimple in her back which her parents now know was a very small hole, called a sinus, in her skin just above the nappy line.  Medical staff told the family that there was skin growing beneath the hole and that it would heal but it didn't.  In fact the hole became the point of entry for viral meningitis which stayed in Rebecca’s body and attacked her with devastating effect three times – all in the first 13 months of her life.  The first attack left her partly paralysed down her left side.  The second and third attacks were on her bowel and bladder.  Rebecca's mother became her carer and some of the compensation Thompsons recovered for them enabled them to buy a bungalow which helped improve the quality of Rebecca's life.  Although Rebecca's problems are life-long, she has now learned to drive and passed her test and intends to work in childcare.  To read the full story, visit Rebecca's Story.
• Greg Arde won £2.4 million in compensation. He says “Thompsons were there for me when I needed them”. Greg suffered severe spinal and head injuries when he was crushed by a fork lift truck. A South African citizen, Thompsons helped him to get leave to remain the in the UK and substantial interim payments to enable him to buy and adapt a house and to employ carers. Greg settled his claim for £2.4 million.
• One of our clients suffered head injuries including a brain injury of the utmost severity after being hit by a car. His quality of life was affected in every way – he was unable to continue working and required help and assistance to maintain his life. We negotiated a settlement on his behalf of an exceptional award of compensation, the amount being £1.6 million.
• Another client, suffered catastrophic injuries including serious injuries to the head after being attacked, assaulted and battered by two inmates of the Young Offenders Unit in which he worked. Their attack caused surrounding scaffolding to fall with tragic results as our client suffered brain damage as a result. The court ordered a payment of £1.6 million to be made.
• Another Thompsons client was a 16 year old boy who was a rear seat passenger in a car being driven by a friend. The friend was driving at speed and lost control of the car hitting a wall and a lamppost. Our client suffered multiple serious injuries and at first it looked unlikely that he would survive. He had multiple skull fractures, a brain haemorrhage, a collapsed lung and a fractured eye socket. The injuries to his brain caused him to develop epilepsy, memory problems, concentration problems, anger management problems and vision problems. The boy's father made a claim for him with help from Thompsons and he received nearly £1m. An extract of a thank you letter from his father read "I write to record my thanks for the advice, support and representation made ... throughout. I have no doubt whatsoever that but for the 1st class, high quality advice and representation consistently offered; we would not have ever reached such a successful conclusion. I would also add that this daunting process was made so much easier by the approachability, friendliness and efficient handling of the claim ... which really was exceptional and again, is very much appreciated by us all. Could I ask please that you ... extend our thanks to the experts in this case ... whose balanced and extremely well considered assessments secured (son’s name removed) a sound financial future for which again I am very grateful. Once again many thanks for all your help and assistance, it has been a genuine pleasure working with you and I wish you … well for the future.
• We represented a client who suffered serious injuries to his left leg after his leg became trapped between two vehicles. The accident ended his working life as his employment was eventually terminated on medical grounds. He was left in pain, suffering inability to stand or sit and his mobility was limited. We settled the case for him, negotiating a compensation award of £600,000.
Mr Llewellyn suffered multiple spinal injuries when he was knocked off his motorbike by a car driver. Thompsons Solicitors sought medical evidence from a consultant orthopaedic surgeon, consultant neurologist, consultant urologist, consultant psychiatrist and consultant in rehabilitation.  A care report and housing report were also obtained. Since the accident our client has only been able to work one day per week and he is unable to pursue any of the sporting interests that he previously enjoyed so much.  Mr Llewellyn led an extremely active life which has been taken away.  The compensation will go some way towards helping him to reconstruct his life.
Ian Slowther was involved in an accident at work which resulted in a below the knee amputation.  He was very happy with the service he received from Thompsons and his letter of thanks to us read "Due to an injury I received at work resulting in a below knee amputation to my right leg ... I contacted Thompsons to take up my claim for compensation. I would like to say from the initial visit until the day of settlement ... your staff have been very professional and helpful. I would like to thank Mrs Fiona Belgian who made the initial visit to me and ran the case for eighteen months until taking maternity leave. I would also like to thank Mr Paul Brown who took over the case until settlement. I was awarded a substantial sum for damages that was achieved by the hard work and dedication of your staff. I feel that my life can now move on because of that. Thanks again from a very satisfied client and one who would recommend Thompsons to anyone that has the misfortune to have an accident like myself. "


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