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Help With Potatoes: Why Would They have spots!?

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Hope you’re having a lovely weekend, everyone.  I received an email this morning from a reader having trouble with her potatoes, and I was wondering if any of you potato experts could help her.  I haven’t had troubles with potatoes – ours just grow and produce lovely scrumptious potatoes – so I have no idea what it is!

Hi, I have grown potatoes for years and every year I have the same problem. The literature doesn’t seem to define it well. The problem is small dark brown or black spots on the surface of the potato which are approximately 1/16th to 1/8th inch in diameter. The spot travels into the potato for 1/4 to 1/2 inch with a sort of rope or dry string-like material also dark brown or black. I always remove these with a knife before cooking. Sometime there are 5-6 of these spots on a potato. But sometimes many more. Although I expect to find an insect or burrowing creature, I never have. Any ideas?

Please help if you know, or have any resources!


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