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How to detect a liar without a lie detector!

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How to detect a liar? How to catch a liar without high tech equipment such as a lie detector? You need a good eye, good ear and a healthy skepticism.
  • People tend to touch their nose and scratch their face when they lie.
  • Follow their eyes, liar then to blink a lot and cannot maintain eye contact.
  • Check their smile, people who are telling the truth tend to use many facial muscle but liar just smile with their mouth.
  • Pay attention to details, liar tend to provide more information that necessary, they are being overly specific when they are making things up.
  • Change conversation subject, if they are over relief then it is a sign of lying.
Watch the video for more tips, high recommended by me. Liars are everywhere and the information gained might be useful in our daily conversation with friends and strangers. According to JuriSense on touching the nose:


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