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How to Breed Mealworms

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Mealworms are perhaps the easiest of the live foods to culture yourself. The only real difficulty is avoiding mites, which is relatively easy if you take the correct precautions. Mealworms can be used as a staple food for many species, and are popular with the reptile keepers
  1. A suitable container (I recomend an ice cream tub for smaller cultures, and a contico type container for larger cultures).
  2. A few egg crates or even toilet roll tubes (for the Beatles)
  3. Small Cups
  4. Food (I suggest 1/4kg Chicken Feeds GMP-2, 1/2kg Crushed Corns, 1/2kg of rice) Remember you can buy the cheapest one =)) mealworms eats almost everything
  5. A tub of shop bought mealworms (only one is required, but you can buy more if you can cope with all the youngsters).
  6. A Lot Patience.
Good luck!

Setting up your Mealworm culture:
Mix their food on their container, It must be at least 1inch deep for them to dig and hide. Then wait until they grow at least 2inch then They are ready to be transformed into pupae by separating them from each other, put them in a small plastic cup it cost around 40 pesos for 100pcs, VERY CHEAP. Then wait for about 1-2 weeks then you will see that they transformed into pupae.

Then wait until they become BLACK beatles them put them on another container with the EGG CRATES for their hiding place! dont forget their food! :)


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